A Little Introduction About The New Mr. and Mrs....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Well hello friends, family and perhaps strangers,

This is my first time writing on a blog in a while and I'm upgrading from my single life blog to a married life one, so that Tyler can be in the picture here as well. The update right now is we are here living in Rogers, AR close to my family. Tyler graduated from BYU-Idaho last summer and is now working at Hyundai as a service writer, so that he can get some dealership experience (his end goal is to own a dealership). I am currently working at Gibby Law Firm as a legal assistant, and I am also still going to school. By the end of this semester my associates will be complete and then I should be able to transfer easily to other universities that fall in the plans for Tyler and I. Right now we are working on the plans for the next step in life! Choosing which college to go to for my bachelors and his MBA, which internships to apply for, which jobs are best and which cities seem most appealing for us! Everything is a big adventure and feeling like big decisions.. but with that said, we're in this together so everything will work out; but feel free to remind me of that. :) I'll try to keep this updated so that you know where we are and what we are doing! Thanks for being involved in our newlywed adventures!

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